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The Local Development Agency and the Local Action Group

DELTA 2000 is a Development Agency that works in the coastal area of Emilia-Romagna Region and in the Regional Park of the Po Delta, which was recently (2016) recognized as MAB UNESCO Reserve.

Set up in 1994 as no profit association, DELTA 2000 became a limited liability consortium in 1996. Today it has over 70 partners.

Currently he has been recognized as Local Action Group (LAG) which aims the strategy for sustainable tourism in Emilia-Romagna Delta through the care and enhancement of the landscape.

It was also recognized as Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAG) of Emilia-Romagna Coast which has the objective of the qualification of the ports, the fish production, both of aquaculture and the fishery, in order to increase regional competitiveness, increase profitability of fishermen and fish farmers, contribute to maintenance and creation of new jobs in the fisheries and aquaculture, which also support diversification processes.

Where we are


The LAG area covers 17 municipalities of which many are included in the Po Delta Regional Park: Municipality of Argenta(*), Municipality of Berra, Municipality of Codigoro, Municipality of Comacchio, Municipality of Fiscaglia, Municipality of Goro, Municipality of Jolanda di Savoia, Municipality of Lagosanto, Municipality of Mesola, Municipality of Ostellato, Municipality of Portomaggiore(*), Municipality of Alfonsine, Municipality of Bagnacavallo(*), Municipality of Cervia(*), Municipality of Conselice(*), Municipality of Ravenna(*), Municipality of Russi(*)

The FLAG area includes all municipalities of Region Emilia-Romagna coast: Municipality of Bellaria Igea Marina(*), Municipality of Cattolica(*), Municipality of Cervia(*), Municipality of Cesenatico(*), Municipality of Comacchio, Municipality of Gatteo(*), Municipality of Goro, Municipality of Misano Adriatico(*), Municipality of Ravenna(*), Municipality of Riccione(*), Municipality of Rimini(*), Municipality of San Mauro Pascoli(*), Municipality of Savignano sul Rubicone(*)

(*) partially included

Our mission

Integrated development of local resources and economic activities aimed at recovering local environmental, social and cultural resources. The objective is to start a local development process based on self-determination of local communities. By identifying local needs and implementing the necessary projects, we support economic growth and create new development opportunities, focusing our attention on local resources and needs.

What we do

DELTA 2000 offers technical assistance to local institutions, associations and stakeholders in drawing up, implementing, coordinating and managing actions and projects in the framework of economic and territorial programmes. It also does technical and economic reporting on the projects.

DELTA 2000 involves all stakeholders at local level with a bottom-up approach: projects and development actions are decided “at the bottom”, with the participation of all public and private economic actors of the area.

Our Tourism challange

The most important tourism territorial goal of the Po Delta area is to get one of the most important slow tourism destination at a European level. Slow Tourism means: people in charge of promotion are invited to “talk green”, besides “thinking green”. If communication within the tourism field is a crucial element, those who work in the promotion field are asked to become more and more socially responsible, to preserve the environment and to develop a kind of tourism that is sustainable. Therefore, the marketing techniques to be adopted not only will have to promote a product, but also to make a change in the public opinion and in the forma mentis of the traveler and of the SME’s that are working in the tourism sector. So it’s necessary to develop joint strategies between other partners to improve the competitiveness of SME’s by participative approach by public and private operator, to improve Green job for young people by a qualitative orientated and sustainable approach.

Our Governance

DELTA 2000 is a mixed company of 78 partners representing the main local institutions and economic and social stakeholders.

The total registered capital is € 119.059,10, with a private share of € 10.678,34 (9% ) .

There are 78 partners, 53 are from the private sector (68% of the total) and 25 from the public sector.

Being DELTA 2000 a Local Action Group and an equivalent public body we don’t perform any economic activity. We project on several programs at European, National and Regional level and for the stakeholders of the area

Action areas

  • Environment and territory protection and valorisation of the environmental and agricultural elements of the territory
  • Tourism – promotion of the potential of the Po Delta area
  • Human Resources - cooperation with training centres for training and refresher courses
  • Environamental didactic for schools- pilot activities and pilot project to improve the knowledge in the school (primary, secondary and universities) on green job, biodiversity and birdwatching activities, organization summer camp for universities students
  • Integrated Projects – drawing up and carrying out integrated development plans aimed at enhancing and promoting the area; developing territorial planning and tools to integrated culture, tourism and agriculture
  • SMEs and Craft – economic promotion and starting-up marketing
  • FISH and aquaculture – qualifying fishing and aquaculture and the harvesting of marine areas
  • Cooperation at transnational and interregional level.

The strongest point of DELTA 2000

  • Technical Background: the DELTA 2000’s staff is composed by collaborators, consultant and technicians with different formation so it forms a multidisciplinary team.
  • Flexibility: DELTA 2000 has 5 employs and a wide structure of external collaborators that guarantee quickness and flexibility in the implementation of projects and actions
  • Huge transnational know how and wide network of contacts: thanks to its previous experiences in the field of transnational cooperation project managing tens of European projects, DELTA 2000 has developed a very large number of contacts and relationships with private subjects and public bodies in all Europe.

Cooperation projects 2014-2020

Cooperation projects 2007-2013

Cooperation projects 2000-2006